1. Introduction
»» Start with relatable hook, e.g., “Have you ever felt lost in a conversation about web development because of all the technical terms?”
»» Explain the importance of understanding web jargon for better communication and learning in the web development space.
2. Why Knowing Jargon is Important
Helps you communicate effectively with your team.
Improves your ability to understand documentation, tutorials, and blogs.
Makes you feel confident as part of the tech community.
3. Common Web Jargons and Their Meanings
List and explain popular terms with examples:
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Protocol used to transfer H text.
Protocol means a set of rules
Transfer → Let's take the example of transferring an army person from one place to another.
H text → Hyper link text —> Web Docs.(text files that contains links of another web page).
Human Readable
Network tab visibility visibility .
Inspect protocol.
Page source.
Stateless Protocol
Imagine you’re at an ice cream shop. You order chocolate ice cream, and the shopkeeper gives it to you. Next time you come back, the shopkeeper doesn’t remember you ordered chocolate before. You have to tell them your order all over again.
Stored state b/w frontend and backend.
Imagine you’re at an ice cream shop. You order chocolate ice cream, and the shopkeeper gives it to you. Next time you come back, the shopkeeper doesn’t remember you ordered chocolate before. You have to tell them your order all over again.
In Computers
A session is like a special time when your computer and a website remember things about you for a little while.
For Example:
When you log in to an online game, the website remembers your username and your score until you log out.
If you close the game and come back later, you might have to log in again to start a new session.
I need to send more Info from Server to Browser.
HTTP Headers
Imagine you’re sending a letter to a friend. Before they open the letter, they see some extra notes written on the envelope. These notes tell your friend things like:
Who sent the letter.
How important the letter is.
If it’s a birthday card or just a regular message.
In the world of computers, these extra notes are called HTTP headers. They help computers understand how to send and receive information on the internet.
Request -Response
Imagine you’re at a restaurant:
You tell the waiter, “I want a pizza.”
- This is like a request. You’re asking for something.
The waiter brings you the pizza and says, “Here’s your pizza!”
- This is like a response. They’re giving you what you asked for.
How It Works on the Internet
When you use your browser to visit a website:
Your computer (browser) sends a request to the website.
- It’s like saying, “Hey, can you show me your homepage?”
The website sends back a response.
- It’s like saying, “Here’s the homepage you asked for!”
Types of Requests: Different Ways to Ask
When your computer talks to a website, it can ask for different things. These are called request types. Think of them as different ways to ask a question.
1. GET Request: "Can I See That?"
What it does: It asks to see something, like a webpage or a picture.
You type "google.com" in your browser.
Your computer sends a GET request to the Google server: "Can I get your homepage?"
2. POST Request: "Here’s Some Information."
What it does: It sends information to the website.
You’re signing up for a new game.
Your computer sends a POST request: "Here’s my name and email. Please create my account!"
3. PUT Request: "Let’s Update This!"
What it does: It updates something on the website.
You’re changing your profile picture.
Your computer sends a PUT request: "Replace the old picture with this new one."
4. DELETE Request: "Please Remove This."
What it does: It asks the website to delete something.
You don’t like a comment you posted.
Your computer sends a DELETE request: "Delete my comment, please!"
5. PATCH Request: "Fix This Little Thing."
What it does: It changes just a small part of something.
You change your name from "John" to "Johnny" in your profile.
Your computer sends a PATCH request: "Just update the name, not the whole profile."
Response Codes: Messages from the Website
When your computer asks a website for something (a request), the website replies with a message called a response code. These are short numbers that tell you if things went well or if there was a problem.
Common Types of Response Codes
1. 200: "Everything’s Great!"
This means the website found what you wanted and sent it to you.
Example: You ask for a webpage, and the server says, "200 OK—Here’s the page you wanted!"
2. 404: "Oops, Not Found!"
This means the website couldn’t find what you were looking for.
Example: You typed the wrong address, and the server says, "404 Not Found—I don’t see that page here!"
3. 500: "Something Broke on My Side!"
This means the website has a problem.
Example: The server says, "500 Internal Server Error—Something’s wrong on my end. Try again later!"
4. 301: "I’ve Moved—Follow Me!"
This means the page you’re looking for has moved to a new address.
Example: The server says, "301 Moved Permanently—Go to this new address instead."
5. 403: "You’re Not Allowed!"
This means you don’t have permission to see the page.
Example: The server says, "403 Forbidden—Sorry, you can’t enter here."
What is HTTP/2?
HTTP/2 is a new version of the old HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) that helps websites load faster and more efficiently.
It’s like upgrading from a slow and old bike to a super-fast race car.
http/1.1. is a fallback and is still used .
Uses Compression → When websites talk to your computer, they send a lot of extra information, like their name and address.
HTTP/2 makes these messages smaller, so the conversation is quicker!
This is called Compression.
Multiplexing →
Imagine you want to get different things from the store, like toys, candies, and books.
Old HTTP would ask for one thing at a time, wait for an answer, then ask for the next thing.
HTTP/2 can ask for all these things at the same time, which makes everything faster.
This is called multiplexing, and it helps websites load faster!
Encryption: Turning Messages into a Secret Code
Imagine you’re sending a secret message to your friend, but you don’t want anyone else to read it. So, you turn your message into a secret code that only you and your friend can understand. This is called encryption.
In the world of computers, encryption is like turning your messages into a secret code when sending them over the internet, so nobody can read them except the person you're sending them to.
Why Encryption is Important?
Security: Encryption keeps your data safe from bad people who might try to steal it.
Privacy: It ensures that private messages (like your passwords or credit card details) stay private.
Trust: When you see the padlock icon in the browser (HTTPS), it means the website is using encryption to protect your information.
How Does Encryption Work?
Before Sending: You write your message (like "I love ice cream!")
With encryption, you use a secret key (like a special codebook) to change the message into something like "Xy23@hLOlm!"
This scrambled version is the encrypted message, and only someone with the right secret key can decode it.
While Traveling: The encrypted message travels over the internet, and even if someone tries to look at it, they can’t understand it because it’s all scrambled.
After Receiving: Your friend (the receiver) uses the secret key to turn the scrambled message back into the original one: "I love ice cream!"
In Computers (SSL/TLS)
When you visit a website, encryption is often used through something called SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security). This makes sure that:
The website and your computer are talking in secret code.
Your information (like credit card details) is safe when you make a purchase.
In AWS , we don’t use https for internal communication. Because it increases the cost of server.
User-Agent: The Computer’s Name Tag
Imagine you go to a party, and everyone is wearing a name tag so others know who they are. Your name tag might say, "Hi, I’m John, and I like playing games!"
When your computer (or phone) talks to a website, it also wears a name tag called a User-Agent. The User-Agent tells the website what kind of computer or phone you’re using, and what browser you’re using to visit the website.
TCP: Sending Messages in Order
Imagine you’re sending a bunch of postcards to your friend, but instead of sending them all at once, you send each postcard one by one, and your friend must read them in the order they arrive. If one postcard gets lost, your friend asks you to send it again, and if your friend gets all the postcards in the right order, they can understand your message perfectly!
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is like that for computers. It helps them send messages (or data) one piece at a time, making sure everything gets to the right place and in the correct order.
FTP: A Special Delivery System for Files
Imagine you want to send a big box of toys to your friend, but you can't just hand it to them in person. So, you use a special delivery service to send the box. This delivery service is called FTP (File Transfer Protocol). It's a way to send and receive files between computers over the internet, like a digital "postman."
IP: A Digital Address for Computers
Imagine that every house in the world has a unique address. When you want to send a letter to a friend, you need to know their address so that the letter reaches the right place.
In the world of computers, IP is like that address. It’s a special number that identifies each computer, phone, or device on the internet, so when you send or receive information, it knows exactly where to go.
URL: The Address of a Website
Imagine that you’re looking for a specific book in a big library. Each book has a special address (called a call number) that helps you find it on the shelf. Similarly, a URL is like the "address" of a specific page or resource on the internet, so your computer knows where to find it.
DNS: The Internet’s Phone Book
Imagine you want to call your friend, but instead of remembering their phone number, you just know their name, like “John.” You don’t need to memorize John’s phone number because your phone can look it up in a contact list and dial the number for you.
In the same way, when you type a website name (like google.com) into your browser, your computer doesn’t know where that website is unless it looks it up in a special phone book called DNS.
Headers: Information About the Message
Imagine you’re sending a letter to a friend, and on the envelope, you write some extra details, like your address, their address, the date, and whether it’s a special letter (like a birthday card). This extra information on the envelope is like a header in the world of the internet.
In computers, headers are pieces of extra information that come with data being sent between your computer and a website (or between servers). These headers help explain what the data is, how it should be handled, and other important details.
Payload: The Important Message Inside
Imagine you’re sending a gift box to your friend. The box itself (the container) is like the header, but inside the box, there’s something special – the gift (the payload). The payload is the actual data or content you're sending. It’s what matters the most!
In the world of computers, the payload is the main content that gets sent between your computer and a website or server, like a picture, webpage, or data from an app.
Cache: A Quick-Access Storage for Things You Use Often
Imagine you love playing a game, but every time you want to play, you need to go into your closet, pick up the game, and set it up again. This takes time, right?
Now, imagine if you kept the game on your table, so you could grab it quickly whenever you wanted to play. This way, you don’t have to go all the way to the closet each time.
In the world of computers and the internet, cache works the same way. It’s a storage (like your table) where the computer keeps things it uses often so it can access them faster instead of having to fetch them every time from a distant place (like the closet).
Conclusion :
In conclusion, understanding web jargon is crucial for effective communication and learning in the web development space. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can enhance your ability to collaborate with your team, comprehend technical documentation, and engage confidently within the tech community. As you continue to explore and learn, these concepts will become second nature, empowering you to navigate the web development world with ease and proficiency.